Alchemy Practitioner Bowls - Sold Individually

All of our Crystal Alchemy Bowls are of the highest quality - and are for sale! If you loved a session with one of the sets, or are particularly drawn to one, let us know!


Alchemy Practitioner Bowls - Sold Individually

Each Bowl Sold Separately

Working with this set is absolutely perfect for those wishing to push the boundaries of consciousness expansion. It presents potent high frequency energies that really guide a person to further their own inner evolution while being well seasoned with rooted frequencies to be sure the listener maintains a grounded state of being, therefore being fully capable of integrating their deep exploratory journey. This set evenly works with each of the seven chakras and beyond, creating the ultimate healing and evolutionary experience. Being saturated by this set will align you to your violet flame and help deliver you to a more joyous flowing life.

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Bowls In This Set:

Bowl #:


7” A#+10 Laughing Buddha Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: Sacral, Solar, Third Eye.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Neptune, Jupiter.

Keynotes: Laughter, Joy Playfulness, Strength, Leadership, Agility, Fertility, Empowerment, Assertiveness, Resilience, Power, Courage

The Laughing Buddha Practitioner Bowl invokes a theme of letting go and falling into relaxation. It inspires creative ideas to bring more peace, prosperity, and wisdom into life. This bowl is a guide to learning how to love the self and let go of anything that is taken too seriously. The Laughing Buddha is the sound of joy and invites you to take deeper big belly laughs more often and recognize your playfulness as a strength for leadership.

This Laughing Buddha Practitioner Bowl sings at a tone of A#+10, meaning its sound introduces itself through the Pineal Gland, activating insight, imagination, and clear vision. This is great to use for people experiencing nightmares, migraines, or a lack of vision. Anyone enveloped by the frequencies of the Laughing Buddha may find themselves with boosted intuition, laughing more often, courage to take on leadership roles, and feeling overall empowered and safe to be themselves.

Bowl #:


7” A-40 Azeztulite, Violet Flame Aura Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: All, emphasis on the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Neptune, Jupiter.

Keynotes: I AM presence, Light Portal, Inter-Dimensional Travel, high frequency access, freedom, justice, mercy

The Azeztulite alchemized into this bowl speaks to a person's ascension. This is all about alignment and transforming a person into their highest potential through activating psychic abilities and kundalini. Azeztulite is a high vibration with the respect of all the realms, it is the universal light above and below and presents itself specifically to expand one's consciousness. Due to its mastery of all the realms, on the physical level it is a great healer when it comes to working with cellular disorders, cancer, tissue inflammation, chronic illness, and restoration as a whole. Azeztulite is also a presence that stimulates awakening via inspiration of remembering who you truly are. The Violet Flame Aura aspect of this alchemy bowl radiates miraculous spiritual energy as it lifts you into the higher realms of violet light. Here, allow yourself to be transmuted into a being that stands for justice, freedom, and love. This is a heavenly realm and opens the space for miracles to occur if one is open to them.

This Azeztulite Violet Flame Aura Practitioner Bowl rings at an A-40 tone. Meaning it invokes itself through activating your 3rd eye chakra stimulating insight, imagination, and clear vision. Paired with the crown and heart activation makes this bowl an amazing tool for expanding one's consciousness while navigating with their heart. The perfect rhythm for a person's evolution without taking on too much at once.

Bowl #:


5” C+40 Crone Goddess, Platinum(inside) Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: All, emphasis on Root, High Crown, and Sacral.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Earth, Saturn.

Keynotes: Mother Nature's Wisdom, Alignment, Grace, Inner Strength, Perseverance, Resilience, Dreams, Divine Feminine, Self love, Balance, Dexterity, Stress relief

The Crone Goddess is one of inner strength, she is a representation of the circle of life, and overall is the energy of Gaia. Swans are her companion guides as she leads you into dreamtime magic and shamanic practices. She teaches how to be at home in your body and maintain personal time to advance divine wisdom. The Crone Goddess is a teacher of sexual energies and balances this aspect of life. She also carries a theme of grounding and feeling healthy, safe, and patient. For those with low self-esteem, money issues, or addictions, the Crone Goddess makes a great guide for aligning with the vibration of stability, security, emotional balancing, and accomplishing physical needs. Platinum plays her part in this alchemy bowl by radiating the essence of the divine feminine through harmony and elegance. She is cooling, intuitive, optimistic, and inspires impenetrable hope that may never be conquered. Platinum harmonizes the astral and physical body into unity while balancing hormones and your natural chemicals. She is a reliever of depression and anxiety and reaches out to build a bridge for sacred union making it the perfect bowl for any union type celebration.

This Crone Goddess Platinum Practitioner Bowl sings at a C+40 tone, meaning its frequency takes you to the vibration of the root and high crown chakra. The high crown is a chakra above the crown chakra which connects a person to their higher self. This integration navigates itself all the way down to the root chakra and completely stabilizes a person within their body. The Crone Goddess Platinum is all about integrating higher wisdom into the body and feeling a defined sense of self as you move through the world. She envelopes you with her loving safe space and awakens the wisdom that lies deep within you already, just waiting to come out at the right time.

Bowl #:


7” E-25 Tesseract Salt, Smokey Quartz Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: All, emphasis on Root, Solar Plexus, and Sacral.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Mars, Sun.

Keynotes: Earth, Cooperation, Balance, Positive Thoughts, Manifestation, Stress relief, Forgiveness, Inner Peace, Positivity, Visualization, Amplification

Tesseract Salt is a representation and ground of the fourth dimension. Its square form teaches structure for building a strong foundation on what you are manifesting. 4 is its frequency number, indicating abundant manifestations of the divine here on earth through being grounded in the connection to Mother Divine. Even just the nature of salt gives us structure, it is a carrier for things that are important such as water, without salt we would never be able to hydrate. Tesseract Salt is also an amplifier, specifically amplifying the positivity within you. Holding an intention of positive thoughts while working with this bowl will absolutely be amplified into your field and those around you when working with this frequency. Smokey Quartz is a familiar friend that has been alchemized into this bowl and also inspires positive thinking, being a perfect partner to the Tesseract Salt. Smokey’s unique contribution comes from facilitating the art of remaining fully balanced in this moment and works with the lower chakras so you may maintain a firm footing when indulging in creativity. An extra layer of grounding so one's visions and manifestations come from a strong foundation.

This Tesseract Salt Smokey Quartz Bowl sings at an E-25 tone, indicating its initial frequency work comes through the Solar Plexus chakra. Those with stomach issues, feelings of being powerless, or angry will find refuge and transformation with this bowl as it transmutes such issues into a new foundation of confidence, empowerment, positive thinking, and passion as they move forward in life. Tesseract Salt Smokey Quartz interweaves you deep within the earth to find the building blocks for incredible inspirations and a new found level of positive thinking to manifest the life you desire.

Bowl #:


8” C-5 Indigo Frosted, Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: Third Eye, Root, and High Crown.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Earth, Saturn.

Keynotes: Mind Clearing, Master Activator, Psychic Awareness, Alignment, Healing

The Indigo Frosted Bowl is pretty straight forward for one familiar with the Pineal gland and 3rd eye chakra. This quantum healing tool aims to link the pituitary gland and the skeletal system. When it comes to working in the mind it aids in becoming liberated from the past and invokes the master within. Inside every being lies a master of the self, with this activation tool the master within you may very well be awoken. Indigo brings forth a new level of clear expression when it comes to speaking one’s truth. This tool makes incredible impacts when used with holding a vision of global peace especially in the hands of indigo born children/adults.

This Indigo Frosted Practitioner Bowl rings at C-5 tone, meaning its frequency takes you to the vibration of the root and high crown chakra, the root of your higher self. Indicating the wisdom being activated is one deep in the roots of your being, grounding into the earth and your soul will cause the master within to come forth.

Bowl #:


8” F#+5 Androgynous Indium, Platinum Practitioner Bowl

Chakras: Third Eye.

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Venus, Mercury.

Keynotes: Yin-Yang Alignment, Ascension, Self Reflection, Adaptability, Violet Flame, Cooling, Openness, Longevity

Androgynous Indium is a deep violet-blue Iridescence invoking the light of ascension, tuning into “I AM ONE” presence. It shines a light on your internal world and bridges the duality of the masculine and feminine, balancing your yin and yang energy. This is perfect for those looking to do deep internal work and feel out of balance internally (which of course is reflected in their external world). Becoming saturated in this frequency attunes the person to their inner violet flame, a flame which does not burn when touched and is graceful and inspiring in its cooling but passionate sensations.

This Androgynous Indium Practitioner Bowl plays at an F#+5 tone, indicating its direct work with the thymus gland and frequencies between the heart and throat chakra. When working with this frequency you may find yourself with a boosted immune system and a new sense of compassion due to the inner work and self reflection journey it will take you on.

Bowl #:


7” F+30 Laughing Buddha, Ocean Gold(inside) Practitioner Bowl


Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart.

Ruling Tone’s Planet:



Dolphin Essence, Communication, Art of Flow, Tranquility, Abundance, Immune system, Joy, Laughter, Playfulness

The Laughing Buddha invokes a theme of letting go and falling into relaxation. It inspires creative ideas to bring more peace, prosperity, and wisdom into life. This bowl is a guide to learning how to love the self and let go of anything that is taken too seriously. The Laughing Buddha is the sound of joy and invites you to take deeper big belly laughs more often and recognize your playfulness as a strength for leadership. The Ocean Gold has themes of communication and stepping deeply into the heartspace, an embodied sense of I AM presence. Where this one shines is through its targeting of the immune system and thymus gland. The frequencies radiating here are ones of Dolphins and Whales, encouraging loving clarity of communication.

This bowl teaches to step playfully into self expression by walking first through the heart. The Laughing Buddha Ocean Gold Practitioner Bowl sings at the tone F+30, meaning its tones work directly with the heart chakra in its vibrations. This teaches its students to become more compassionate, forgiving, and understanding while dissolving heart issues, a feeling of despair, and isolation. The Laughing Buddha Ocean Gold bowl is working to train those exposed to it to become ascended masters and not take life so seriously, we shall all laugh more, flow easier, and align perfectly in the presence of this frequency.

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