Cosmic Ocean Serpent Set

All of our Crystal Alchemy Bowls are of the highest quality - and are for sale! If you loved a session with one of the sets, or are particularly drawn to one, let us know!


Cosmic Ocean Serpent Set


The theme of this first set really sets the stage for developing confidence in self-expression rooted from the heart. While activating all chakras it maintains a focus on rooting you into the self with flavors of astral and cosmic travel. With this set you may safely navigate uncharted realms within the cosmic self while maintaining a steady ground unwavering. Set one is meant to guide you unapologetically into the heart to calmly release the deepest traumas or conditionings and bring you back to dancing to the rhythm of your own heart drum. You may find that you develop a deep sense of compassion that never before seemed possible. Your communication will reach new levels as it is guided by the dolphin spirit, the main guide of the set. Finding yourself and others in a playful state is a common sensation when working with this alchemy bowl set.

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Bowls In This Set:

Bowl #:


10” A# -45 Ocean Marine Gold Bowl

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

Key notes: Loving Clarity, Community, Communication, Self Expression, Insight, Inner Vision

Connect with playful dolphin energies to encourage loving communication. The Ocean Marine Gold tones bring you to realms bubbly and tranquil while supporting your immune system, thymus glands, and boosting your self expression skills. This bowl is all about flow and creativity. If you ever find yourself in a space of too much indecision, fear of self expression, or simply sore throats that keep returning, spending time with this frequency will be a powerful aid to these ailments. 

This Ocean Marine Gold bowl rings at an A# -45 Tone, meaning its sound waves activate the third eye chakra. The third eye will be this bowl's entry point, dissolving any migraines, nightmares, or perhaps a lack of vision, and transforms your energy into someone imaginative, visual, insightful, and intuitive. 

The Alchemical combination of this bowl weaves this newly activated intuition into something capable of sharing through your throat chakra. After a healthy session of attuning to this bowl's frequency, you will arise more telepathic with the confidence to voice your expressions and have a whole new level of insight to share with the world. Let the dolphin be your guide.

Bowl #:


12” D+45 Charcoal, Palladium

Chakra: Root, Crown, Sacral

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Pluto

Key notes: Inner Child, Higher Dimensional Communication, Grounding, Playfulness, Centering, and Balance

This alchemical creation of Charcoal and Palladium resonates to both a grounding and cosmic experience. Palladium (named after the Pallas asteroid and Pallas Athena) is a metal that radiates a high vibration of guardianship and acts as a companion through any realm you may find yourself traveling to. This white silvery metal is one of empowerment and courage, always heightening an individual to enhance their wellbeing by inhabiting higher consciousness while remaining grounded. 

Charcoal lends an extra hand here, given its qualities lie in the root chakra energies, it brings in balance to the body and works a little more on your physical well being such as; digestion, detoxing, stomach issues, viruses, and overall concentration. This infused blackened wood emphasizes on grounding and purification of your physical and energetic bodies providing you a safe space to explore uncharted spiritual and physical dimensions.

This Charcoal Palladium bowl rings at a D+45, which means in tone, it affects your sacral chakra. As the vibrations of this bowl saturates your field you may find that any issues  with sexuality, rigid beliefs, or feeling stuck may begin to dissolve and transform into an energy of spontaneity, passion, and a whole new level of trust in the world. This Sacral healing vibration guides you to be like water, allowing your blockages and imbalances to flow away.

The alchemized combination of these elements delivers you to a potent healing landscape. Associating with this bowl allows you to flow into the higher realms of consciousness while keeping your feet firmly planted into the ground so you may bring back with you all of your experience and integrate it into your life. Through this door you may find that any old sense of hopelessness, depression, alienation, or just low self esteem in general dissolves, as a new you returns on the other side feeling safe, patient, healthy, social, open minded, inspired and spiritually connected.

Bowl #:


7” G-40 Andara, Palladium Bowl

Chakras: All, emphasis on Crown and Throat 

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Mercury

Key notes: Heart beat of the soul, sacred flame of the heart, transmutation, inner child, guide, Higher Consciousness communication

Andara is a unique green volcanic stone that has an emphasis for working with the heart, not just your physical one, but the heart of the soul. This powerful specimen forged in the lands of the high sierra’s California burns away obstacles that prevent you from living in your heart's presence. Allow this brilliant green frequency to transmute anything that doesn’t allow you to stay within the natural rhythm of your heartbeat and discover your divine self. Andara also is a potent ally in DNA activation, developing psychic abilities, and coming into profound self realization such as a satori. 

Palladium (named after the Pallas asteroid and Pallas Athena) is a metal that radiates a high vibration of guardianship and acts as a companion guiding you through any realm you may find yourself traveling to. This white silvery metal is one of empowerment and courage, always heightening an individual to enhance their wellbeing by inhabiting higher consciousness while still remaining grounded. 

This Andara Palladium Bowl resonates at a G-40 tone, introducing itself into the throat chakra before it completely saturates and transmutes the other chakras with its Andara and Palladium frequencies. Beginning in the throat chakra, this resonance begins to dissolve any issues with a lack of expression or indecision and transforms it into honest self expression. As it begins to work throughout your entire field, it activates the kundalini as it works through each chakra. Since this is such an activation bowl, having palladium as a guide to navigate uncharted realms plays an important role here to fully ground in the experience of this cosmic adventure. 

Bowl #:


6” A#-30 Laughing Buddha Supreme Bowl

Chakras: Sacral, Solar, Third Eye

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

Key notes: Strength, Protection, Clearing Negativity, inner peace, Playfulness, Willpower, Alignment, Optimism

As one can imagine simply by the name, the Laughing Buddha Supreme bowl is here to radiate a sense of lightheartedness and induce an optimistic mindset. This bowl invites calming and empowering energies through its Aqua Aura Gold alchemy, with the intention to clear out any negativity trying to cling to your energetic field and leave you with a deep sensation of inner peace. The materials infused into the Laughing Buddha Supreme work in the realms of the sacral and solar chakras. Meaning if you ever find yourself in a place feeling lethargic, ridgid, having sexual issues, angry, powerless, or just feeling stuck, this bowl's frequency will help you step back into your power, boosting your self esteem, pleasure, creativity, sexual energies, and emotional balance. 

This Laughing Buddha Supreme Bowl plays the tone of an A#-30, therefore, is associated with the pineal gland. So not only is this bowl boosting your sacral and solar energies but your intuition, imagination, and insights may be increased as well as you tune into the tones and frequencies of this incredibly unique healing tool. It is also fun to note the importance of paying attention to your state of being, the more you play with this bowl the more you may find an increase of your telepathic energies.

Bowl #:


7” F-50 Green Heart Ocean Gold Bowl

Chakras: Heart

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Venus

Key notes: Dolphin essence, Art of flow, Communication, Spiritual connection, Understanding, Master healer, Amplifier, Recollection, Stabilization

This beautifully made Green Heart Ocean Gold Bowl was made with the intention of completely opening and being in the heart. Being made of gold it puts it in the caliber of what many call today “Christ Frequency” which is the heart frequency of oneness. It teaches how to give love, but even more so how to receive love, breaking down the walls of what may be shutting you off from being in the ebb and flow of universal love. Move forward confidently in life with a heart wide open and overflowing with the unstoppable force of unconditional love for what is. A person becomes the greatest teacher when they radiate with simple compassion for all that is around them. 

This Green Heart Ocean Gold Bowl rings at the tone of F-50, making it even more so amplified in the heart chakra. Allow the waves of green to completely envelope your being, dissolving feelings of despair, isolation, or any heart issues and transforming the self into the embodiment of unconditional love. Walk away from a session with this bowl as a demonstration for what it means to have full self love as it overflows into all of your relationships and interactions. 

Bowl #:


7” D#-30 Ocean Gold Bowl

Chakras: Heart, Throat 

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Venus, Mercury

Key notes: Dolphin essence, Art of flow, Communication, Tranquility, Clarity, Self-expression, Immune system

The Ocean Gold bowl has similar themes to the Green Heart Ocean Gold bowl in the sense of communication and stepping deeply into the heart space. Where this one shines is through its targeting of the immune system and thymus gland. The frequencies radiating here are ones of Dolphins and Whales, encouraging loving clarity of communication. This bowl teaches to step playfully into self expression by walking first through the heart. 

This Ocean Gold Bowl rings at a tone of D#-30, which lies somewhere between the sacral and solar chakras specifically targeting the adrenal glands. If you find that the pressures of life to be overwhelming leaving you in a state of powerlessness, stagnancy, stress, or anxiety, a thorough session spent with this Alchemy bowl may be just the thing you need to relieve these tensions. Tuning to the frequency of the Ocean Gold Bowl will be your greatest companion for increasing your communication, boosting your immune system, and balancing your thymus and adrenal glands so you may navigate your day stress free.

Bowl #:


10” C+40 Violet Ocean Gold Platinum Limited Edition Fire Element Bowl

Chakras: All, emphasis on Root, and High Crown

Ruling Tone’s Planet: Earth, Saturn

Key notes: Playfulness, Flow of heart, Affection, Harmony, Inner peace, Serenity, Acceptance, Relaxation, Free of drama, Enlightened

The Violet Ocean Gold Platinum is a rare limited edition bowl that speaks from the element of fire. Containing the Pink Ocean Gold incorporates the soft embrace of universal love with the strength of ageless wisdom. It encourages you to move forward into a life well lived with deep compassion and relentless courage.

Platinum is another dominant factor fused in this alchemy bowl which radiates the essence of the divine feminine through harmony and elegance. She is cooling, intuitive, optimistic, and inspires impenetrable hope that may never be conquered. Platinum harmonizes the astral and physical body into unity while balancing hormones and your natural chemicals. She is a reliever of depression and anxiety and reaches out to build a bridge for sacred union making it the perfect bowl for any union type celebration. 

This Violet Ocean Gold Platinum Fire Bowl rings at a tone of C+40, meaning it begins by activating your root chakra and higher crown (which is just the root chakra of your higher self) before kundalini rising into the rest of your chakras for a full violet activation. When you think of the nature of a Violet Flame then you begin to understand the medicine and power of the frequencies of this bowl. A Violet Flame is a flame that does not burn you but has the same passion as fire. It is something that moves gracefully with intention and knows exactly what it needs to do, it is an inspiration, a flame that has become enlightened.

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